Sunday, September 27, 2020


 Sheep follow each other, it is easy to round up sheep because you can easily get the herd to just follow the group in front of them. They have no idea where they are going , they just follow.
I always preached to my kids growing up to not be sheep, do not just follow others. I told them to make up their own minds and to ask questions and listen and to always beware when people try to talk you into anything.

Unfortunately today I see more and more people becoming sheep, they are easily fooled and follow others without stopping and listening and learning. I absolutely believe that these times will be studied for years to come as to what happened to reason and common sense and why did so many people just go tone deaf. The times were certainly ripe , many people who just followed were angry and wanted to join others that were angry, there in numbers they felt some kind of comfort but why were they all angry. My thoughts are many felt like their voices were not being heard, that people in higher offices especially did not see them or care about them so by banding together they felt stronger, they felt like they finally had a voice.

I can fully understand how people can feel left out and frustrated and isolated and I now understand how people of ill intent can capture those un-forgotten people and today it is made so much easier with the internet and social media. Follow me they say , I hear you and I have your back. They package themselves to look and sound soothing and understanding much like the predator that preys on small children or the sociopath that pulls people into his mangled world so he can control them.
Today it is more important then ever to not be sheep, question everything and everybody, STOP LOOK and LISTEN. When someone is insistent that “they” are right and “others” are wrong that is when you need to look the other way. You do not need to be part of a crowd to be seen or heard, be yourself!

Your voice- your thoughts - your good intentions- do not get sucked in to “ Us” and “them”.

Do not become sheep-

I am not saying that groups are bad, being siloed and by yourself all the time is not healthy either. You can make real change if you unite but do it for the right reasons. Do not gather out of hate or fear, join groups to learn and grow and conduct positive change. I know that is very difficult to hear the opposite side , especially when it is being shouted at you but shouting louder will never get anyone anywhere and will never ever have the opportunity to truly listen or build a bridge.

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