Saturday, August 22, 2020

Look Around

Look around, look around at how lucky we are
To be alive right now
Look around, look around
- Lyrics from Hamilton - Song- That would be enough - Lin-Manuel Miranda 

I turned 63 last week and I can definitely say that I have never lived in more troubling or negative times. Everyone seems angry, everyone is choosing a side, you are either with me or against me. News channels turned into reality shows years ago but it has certainly deepened and everyone stays on their channel and listen to their talking points meanwhile life goes on.

Life has slowed down for me now that I am 63 and I try my best to stay active both physically and mentally , at 63 I certainly know that I have less time in front of this cart then in back and I want to suck it all up. 
I talk walks on quiet backroads and look up and appreciate the sky and the trees and the birds, I do believe that this life is precious and that this just could be paradise-look around.
I enjoy my friends and family and love watching life through the eyes my grandkids.

As far as all the negative and living in tough times I think of my mom and dad born in the early 1900’s- they grew up with kerosene lamps in the house and an outhouse in the back, they had no TV and their snacks was saltine crackers. They lived through wars and worked long hours for little pay, third shifts in the mills pulling lace and a batch maker at a chemical plant. 
I did not know or appreciate what I had growing up, I don’t think any of us really do.
Life comes at you fast.

Yesterday I sat outside and read a book in total quiet and I could hear the birds and the crickets and when the wind blew through the trees I would stop just a second and put my face up to feel it and listen- and I thought of my dog Lola that passed away last year , she would sit outside and do that very thing - like I have said I have learned more from my dog then any book or class.
Look around.

Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now !

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