Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Not Me

I grew up with alcoholism -
My father was an alcoholic, my uncles were alcoholics, when my sisters grew up they both became alcoholics, as I got older many friends and other family members were , and still are, alcoholics.

One of my sisters tried to fight it but ultimately went back and died from it , all the others except for maybe one or two friends would never even admit to it .

The sorry thing is if you suffer from this disease you will never have a chance of getting better until you admit that you have it, that you are an alcoholic- you first must look in the mirror.

The other very sad thing is until you look in the mirror and admit what you are - all of the people around you will also suffer, especially your family and loved ones and co- workers because they can see you need help and you are destroying not only yourself but your whole life and there is nothing they can do.

I see racism the same way -
I have family and friends that are racist- they show it every day in what they say or do or who and what they support but they will never admit to it.
No, they do not come right out and say certain things in my presence because they know I do not agree with them so they kind of play around the edges and say certain things that certainly let people know where they stand.
I had a very good friend who I worked with for years and one day we were at a conference and a black motivational speaker got up to talk and my friend automatically got up from his seat and said this n—- is not going to tell me anything. I was totally flabbergasted. I knew this man for years and had no idea.I was also friends with his two sons, who later revealed their true colors too.

Don’t get me wrong way too many racist are proud of who they are and say it out loud but my dealings with them up here in R.I. and in my circle do not say it out loud and many would never even admit that they are, they will always say something disparaging about the other guy, they NEVER look in the mirror.
And by never looking in the mirror they can never get help or ever get a chance to see things from the other side, meanwhile they are suffering inside and hurting those around them.

I try not to judge others , I see them for who they are and contain my involvement, if given the chance for honest dialogue I will always embrace those conversations.

Our true Judge will be there in the end for all of us.

Look in the mirror-

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