Thursday, May 7, 2020

Rah Rah

It is very nice to hear kudos from your boss and thank you from Leadership in your place of work.

That said in business and especially in today’s environment we workers in the pit all know that we can be here today and gone tomorrow, if our boss’s boss tells him to make cuts or to let you go - you are gone.
 So as much as kudos are nice you can not bank them or pay your bills with them.

Here’s an idea- rather them coming down from the mountain or out from your closed door office to rain praise on the workers actually give them tools so they can do their job better, listen and observe to what the workers do so when the time comes to evaluate the staff you know first hand how they go about their day.
 This is where climbing the ranks is essential because to be a true leader you must have at least sat in the chair of a worker or walked a mile in their shoes in order to truly assist them and evaluate them.
Part of being a successful boss or leader is mentoring the people that work for you and keeping them excited and learning and you can only do that if you care and if you listen and observe and “ know the job”.
To many leaders now jump the line , employers think that sheepskin or college degrees are the be all , education is certainly important but so is sweat equity and work experience .

In order to lead you need the respect of the people you are leading and they can smell BS so if you do not know what they do and even worse do not take the time to understand what they do they will never truly respect you as a leader or boss and as a boss you will never be able to improve your business or grow yourself.

So don’t just throw around thank you and atta boys - get involved- listen- mentor- lead.

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