Sunday, May 17, 2020

Advice for Graduating Students

Here is my advice for graduating students ... (and for everyone else)


These three simple things is the roadmap for a happier more satisfying life.

1) Listen-
Listen to others , especially those you may not agree with. The art of listening is not to always try to get the other person to agree with you but to truly try to understand where they are coming from and why they think the way they do. You may not agree with them in the end but you may walk away with a better understanding of either them or the subject and you may actually think about your side a little different.
Either way if they have a different opinion just pushing them away or hating them will solve absolutely nothing.

2) Learn-
Always want to learn - by listening more you will learn more, no matter what the subject we can can always learn more and grow. When they day comes that you think you are the expert and know everything that is day that you begin alienate yourself and that will begin a very dark road for your future.
You learn best when you lower your shoulders and open your ears and your heart.
Try to keep that little child innocent curiousness in your heart and your mind.

3) Love-
When you truly listen and learn you will understand life more and where people come from and why they may think the way they do and you when you realize we all have struggles you will begin to love more.
To love others you first have to love yourself, forgive yourself for any of past thoughts or actions, learn from them and move on. Use your mistakes to grow and then let them go.
After you forgive yourself - forgive others- that weight of holding a grudge will only stunt your true growth and feeling of joy, and in the end that thing you were hurt or mad about really doesn’t matter.

Listen- Learn- Love

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