Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Lola was our family dog for close to 14 years and yesterday we said good bye.
It was our second family dog and they certainly become part of your family and they give you unconditional love every day and when the day comes that you lose them you lose a bit of yourself.
For the past three years I have worked from home and I preferred to Lola has my co worker and she kept me company and only asked to go for three walks every day, one first thing in the AM which for me is around 5:30 and another walk between 10 and 12 and one more around 4:00. I always kidded that she had a doggy watch because somehow she knew that it was around that time and she would round me up to get outside. Those walks forced me to push away from work and to catch my breath a bit and the exercise helped too, the walks also provided me a way to meet my neighbors and say hi and they all loved her too.
Family dogs are very special and I miss her very much , she would come over every once and a while  to where I was sitting to just be pet and to kinda say hi and enjoyed the love.
My youngest grandson Luca was really close to her, Lola was the fourth word she ever spoke, when Luca was a baby me and him was outside alone with Lola and she walked around the side of my house and I was calling her and out of no where Luca called her name to- Lola... and they had a special bond. When Luca came over Lola and he would run to each other and in the middle of the room they would both extend their faces to kiss, Luca would always ask for her when he called us and want to see her on the phone.
Lola was my co worker and friend and my company especially during the day when it was just me and her, as a puppy she was very rambunctious and ate my cushions on my couch and the wooden legs on our chairs and she could jump over and under any fence. My wife walked her when she was young and Lola was very string and loved her walks with my wife and as soon as they left the house Lola would run up the hill where we lived with my wife in tow , I watched from our picture window and laughed every time.
Lola was a very smart and sweet dog and we are blessed to have had her in or lives and we will cherish her memories and try to remember how she loved people and loved life.

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