Wednesday, March 20, 2019


We are have different paths.
Life is always taking us down paths and most of the time we have very little control.
People will come and go into and out of lives.
Jobs will change and people around us at the workplace will change and many times we are surprised and it all effects your every day.
Here is the crazy thing, each path is for a reason, each person who enters our life is for a reason and remember we learn much more from our struggles.
Our paths lead us to where we are suppose to be and if we are smart we learn along the way.
It starts with our childhood and keeps on throughout our life , many of our lessons come from self reflection and how we could have seen things more around us and how we could have done things differently, Life is an amazing ride - keep your eyes open and keep learning.
Follow your path and do not be afraid of change, change can be good - embrace it !

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