Saturday, March 16, 2019

Hurt people

Hurt people .... hurt people
It is so very true, people that are hurt normally are the ones that lash out and hurt other people.
In many ways it is a deflection or a cover up or just their way to push their anger out .
Here is the hard thing, even knowing that may be true it is still difficult when that hatred and anger is pointed toward you and if you are normal your reaction is to get angry right back.
So how do you break the chain? How do you help find the root of the anger ?
 It ain’t easy.
First thing is try your best to not react in the moment and for goodness sake watch your words, once harmful words are spoken it can cause for walls to be built that may never be able to be taken down.
As hard as it may be in the moment , let the moment pass.
Try to approach the person another day in a different atmosphere, if you are at work try to catch the person out of work, maybe over a coffee or something. If you are home or at a relative’s house and you find the person being rude or trying to push your buttons walk away.
Hurt people... hurt people.
Why are they hurt ?
Did you or anyone ever take the time to just ask ? It can certainly make for awkward conversation but if the person and the relationship is worth try to find the right time or at least ask someone else that me close to them if they know what might be going on.
Make the effort , it will also lighten your load and who knows you might even learn something.

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