Monday, February 18, 2019


Take a deep breath in .... now a deep exhale.
No matter what is troubling you I promise you in the big scheme of things it is minor.
We make our own stress and in the interim we enslave ourselves.
Break the chains- you have the key all along.
Stop worrying about that power grab, that promotion, that pat on the head by your boss- who cares?
Yes, we all need a job to pay the bills - yes, it is good for the soul to always do your best in your workplace but do not do so in a way that you lose yourself.
You should work hard because more then likely others depend on you doing your piece or you doing your job and if you fail, they fail or their job is harder so always be respective of others around you.
Respect for others and your job does not mean stepping on others or living every day stressed or worried.
By wanting and having less you will need less to survive and you will be free to enjoy the day and your life.
Take a deep breathe.... now take a deep exhale.

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