Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Power corrupts
In my over four decades in the business world I have witnessed Power corrupt good people and totally control people who make money their God.
It is the ugly side of humans and it is amazing to watch how under free will people treat others as objects to stay in Power and to keep their salaries.
I never liked titles and still do no not like them - once a person gets a title they then feel entitled and empowered- .
The crazy thing is in the grand scheme of things it does not matter, what matters is how we treat each other but in order to keep climbing the ladder people sell their soul and before you know it they are lost and cannot get back so they travel further down that road of Power and maybe they wake up but most have to suffer a loss or something horrific in their life to start to SEE again and realize that they no longer are the person they once was.
We all , at some point, in our lives just enjoyed the simple things and wanted to just make friends and laugh. Unfortunately for most adults they may need to think way back to their childhood to remember but trust me it was there.
Something happens to slowly change that and money, Power and responsibility plays a huge roll in that.
Think back - what and when may have derailed you and taken you hostage?
Do not wait for a loss -WAKE UP -Be the Change in your life -
Power and Money corrupts and can steal your smile - get it back !

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