Thursday, August 23, 2018


Appreciate everybody and everything around you every day.
The older you get the more you really do realize that every day is a gift.
I recently turned 61- I still feel like a man in my twenties, that said my knees and body has a way of reminding me that I am not in my twenties.
I loved each stage of my life and I look back at that young man in his twenties and see I very energetic and very much naive young man. I was very confident, sometimes a bit over confident, but it helped me to try new things and jump in feet first when opportunity came knocking.
I always appreciated the good in people and my nativity came in when I truly thought everybody was good, again a nice trait to have but it certainly knocked me for a loop more then once but real life is the best teacher.
I still always look for the good in people even after getting burnt and stabbed in the back many times.
Looking back mostly all of those times people lied and cheated because of their own insecurities and their need to try to either cover up or climb the ladder or  maybe it was just envy, either way I wouldn’t change a thing. I know deep down that I never purposely did anything to anyone to hurt them on the contrary I always forgave them and tried to befriend them. Sometimes I had to recognize that their was no path or bridge so the best thing was to move on.
The biggest lesson I learned was that I ultimately cannot change them , I can only learn my lessons along the way and try to change myself for the better.
Live- learn- forgive- and appreciate every day and appreciate the people in your life.

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