Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Monday morning quarterbacking

I do not mind working or taking on responsibility, what I do Mind is - Monday morning quarterbacking.

The term comes from people questioning calls that were made in Sunday football games on Monday, mostly by people that have never even played the sport and most certainly not on the level of professional football, yet they know better.

The same in the work place, I do mind criticism and I certainly do mind suggestions or help but if you do not have any involvement beforehand and you do not even know why decisions are made then I have a problem.

If you want to Monday morning quarterback then at least show up for the practices before the game.

Learn what the process is and how the decision effects the other portions of the process and how the decision may effect other people.
To just jump in after the fact and to openly criticize is not right , ask the question by all means but ask it in the manner to better understand and unless you have a better suggestion then you are best to keep quiet.
And remember it is also easy to Monday morning quarterback when you are not in the heat of the moment and decisions need to be made at that time and in that moment.

I will take a worker in the field who does their best and is in the game and may screw up over the person who is sitting on the sidelines trying not to get dirty every day of the week.

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