Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How to Handle Negative Feedback At Work

Don’t Always Assume Everyone’s Out to Get You.

 Okay, so you dropped the ball on a project. A performance review looms next week. You start to panic so much and may accidentally let your imagination get the best of you. Conspiracy theories start to set in on why you aren’t entirely to blame, that it was another co-worker’s undoing that led to your poor marks. Don’t play the blame game when sitting down in front of your boss. It’ll only cause more riffs throughout the office and will dampen the spirit behind your company culture because you’re laying down a roadmap of distrust.
If you have to discuss someone’s apparent blunder, talk to that person face-to-face and be done with it.

Take It For What It Is.

Think of all criticism as little words of encouragement instead of a calculated slight against your entire work. Put pride to the side for the time being and understand everyone in that office is working to help the business flourish, first and foremost.

 Do Something With It.

Don’t let someone’s criticism rattle around your brain for the rest of the day. Once you get back to your desk, it’s time to get motivated and make a plan right then and there to work on whatever it is you fouled up. If you received poor marks on how a project was put together, become more detailed how you map out projects and collaborate with everyone. Not being direct enough with others?
 Take a course on how to be more vocal to your team.

 No matter how big or small the issue is, just be proactive to change. -

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