Saturday, April 28, 2012

A sense of URGENCY

Most people that I see and work with seem to always have a sense of urgency to them.
They do not put things off or push them aside or pass them to someone else.

They attack the day and each situation with a sense of urgency.

I see it everyday, rather then doing it now they put it off...and some times for days.

Paul Arpin trained me well because when he asked for something he expected you to get right on it.
He wanted answers, and wanted them sooner rather than later.

He looked at procrastination as someone who did not care about their job and therefore he moved on. Because by delaying their job and duties they were delaying what he could then do.

I expect the same with the people around me and they can certainly expect the same from me.

If I say I am working on it you can take it to the bank. People need that type of trust to truly build a relationship of trust. And in business, as in life, it is all about trust.

By putting something off that is asked of you it is showing disrespect. What you are saying to the person is they are not important and you will get to it when dam well fell like it.

Talk is them that you care. Do it and do it sooner rather then later and by all means FOLLOW UP.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

Put it off?NAW,I think not,thing will get stacked up and not done...THE TIME IS NOW!