Thursday, October 27, 2011


As adults we tend to lose our imagination.

That is why children and grandchildren are so important, they remind us of a time when our imagination was limitless.

My son-in-law has a brother with special needs and he lives in his world of imagination every day. He is in his early twenties and lives in that world to this day. In order to be in his company and growing up with him, his family is pulled into his world of imagination very day.

I do believe that it is a gift. My son-in-law and his family view the world differently because of it.

How my son-in-law treats and sees others, most importantly his own son now, has benefited by this up bringing and he is able to see the world through the eyes of a child and with imagination.

We are forced to grow up and in doing so we tend to leave our imagination behind which is a shame because it is there that the impossible becomes the possible.

Our greatest leaders and inventors of the world were able to keep their feet in both worlds.


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