Thursday, April 16, 2020


You don’t know what you got till it’s gone...

That was never more true then it is in today’s new normal - the year 2020- will change how we think about everything, and hopefully help us appreciate life as it was and hopefully will be again one day.
Things we took for granted , simple things like being able to go wherever you wanted ,whenever you wanted, gathering together as a family or for social events like live concerts or sporting events.
This Pandemic of the COVID -19 virus has tipped the world on its axis and changed our lives overnight, it revealed how fragile our lives are and how much we are not in total control of everything.

It also hopefully is reminding people to appreciate what they did have and what they do have, appreciate people and all those things they complained about every day.
As we gradually return to life as we knew it life will still will be different for a while until a vaccine is developed and distributed so people will have to wear mask and not gather in big numbers and again our “normal” will look and be different.

Americans , especially many in this generation, are not use to sacrificing , we are now the microwave society- we want everything in 60 seconds and we want it when we want it !
We don’t want to wait for the internet to boot up, we don’t want to wait for water to boil or to drive to far off the highway exit, we don’t want to wait in line.

We want fast food, we want warped speed on out computers and cell phones, can you ever imagine even 20 years ago and having to try to find a phone booth to make a call ? Actually driving somewhere and having to get out of the car and put change in a phone to call someone? OMG

Or how about 40 years ago and buying a used car, I thought I hit the lottery when I bought a car that was in the same decade as the year of the car, imagine rolling up a window by hand and intermittent windshield wipers ? The only thing intermittent in those cars was if the car would start.

Americans got lazy and complain about everything, maybe , just maybe this reset on our “normal” will help people to appreciate everything around them and everything we do have ?

Unfortunately most will snap right back into their life as they knew it , complain and rush around and take the simple things and people for granted.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

98.6 degrees and above ground...I hit the jack pot...