Friday, February 28, 2020

I can do both

I sincerely care about people
I sincerely cannot give a shit
Yup... I can do both.
I will always do my best to help others, even after years of being lied to and stabbed in the back, it is just my nature.
That said , once I decide to move on or that you may be harmful to me or any member of my family then I quickly will not give a good shit about you.
Also in order for me to be me and to sometimes take chances I have to have a bit of the “ I don’t give a dam “ gene , in order to plow through.
There are times when I have started projects or departments and in order to do so and get things done I had to put my blinders on and plow ahead. The key is to always listen to people for opinions but ultimately to do what my gut told me.
My mentor and good friend Mr. Paul Arpin always told me to never get upset and to remember at the end of the day I owned the bat and ball.
Paul had the best bull shit meter of anyone that I ever knew and I think I have it too, I can normally tell when someone is sincere or not, but no matter what I always try to build a bridge with everyone, it is just with some I will always sleep with one eye open.
So go forth and always care about people and try to help everyone-
Just know who you ultimately trust and those that you must be cautious with or even just eliminate from your life all together.

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