Thursday, August 15, 2019


I have been on this earth 62 years today !
I really do not remember much of the first 10 years and spattered memories of the next 5 or so.
Growing up mostly in the 60’s and 70’s I remember walking to the candy store about 4 miles from my home when I was very young, like 11 or so. I walked to a catholic school for the first to third grade also about 4 miles from my home. We played a lot of outdoor sports in the neighborhood, we had woods behind us so we also built a lot of tree forts, we would go to our friends on the street and knock on doors to come out and play and spent many hours just sitting on the front steps or someone’s picnic table. A friends dad had a garden so some summer days we would sit on his picnic table in his back yard and pick a tomato, wash it off  under the faucet and eat it like an apple...delicious! 
We would have fights, makeup and someone would fight again, we slept out in back yards in tents and under the stars. My friends had dogs and they went everywhere with us, bandit and Teddy.
We had our first beers out in the woods and some experienced sex , at probably too young an age in some of outdoor forts in the woods.
We played card games, mostly pitch, high low jack but poker and rummy too sitting outside on picnic tables.
We listened to Sox on the radio sometimes in our yards and played home run derby in a cemetery of all places, they had a huge field in between tomb stones.
Scouts came into my life at 11 and I stated in till I was 16, making the rank of Eagle and loving going camping, my Eagle project was planning a 50 mile hike and picking up trash along the way.
My first job was dishwasher for Newport Creamery at 16 and I met my first girlfriend there and bought my first car, a 1967 convertible Camaro I bought from my Aunt, wish I had it today.
My next job was stocking shelves at a shoe store below the Newport Creamery, I worked both jobs for a while. The manager of the shoe store and I got along very good and he gave me a shot at selling shoes at around 17 years old , at 19 I was his assistant manager and at 21 I became the youngest manager of the retail store Baker Shoes for the Edison Bros chain.
It was at Bakers that I met my wife, Lisa, she worked at the clothing store across from my store, she came in to make believe borrow a screwdriver to check out my assistant but kinda liked me instead, we were married 5 months after that and we are going on 39 years.
Retail was going to start opening on Sundays and I refused to work Sundays, thought that was a day for family and we wanted to start a family so after 3 successful years at Bakers I left for Honeywell to dispatch servicemen for heating and air conditioning buildings in the New England area, had a great supervisor and learned a lot but the branch was in East Providence RI and the home office was in Minneapolis and I preferred to work for a place that the owner actually knew me, I did not want to be just a number. 
Enter Paul Arpin Van Lines, in 1985 I joined Arpin as a dispatcher , moving household goods across the country. I worked my way up eventually to Senior Vice President of Operations, when I started they did around 7 million dollars a year and when I left in 2016 they did over 100 million domestically... it was a fun ride and I made many friends all over the country.
Lisa and I married in 1981, 2 kids that had no money and no idea of the future , all we knew is that we loved each other and enjoyed being with each other, we bought our first house ( with no money) in 1982 and had our first child, Jillian in 1983 followed by our son in 1988.
We loved each other and danced and read books and have nothing but great memories of the growing up years, fast forward and today Jillian is married to a wonderful man, Joe, and have beautiful son Gus. My son is married to a beautiful lady, Angela and have the cutest son, Luca and a baby girl on its way.
I still enjoy spending time with my wife and my family and my Sundays!
Not bad for having no plan - I am living proof that if you believe in love and trust and always try to do your best and help others - anything is possible.
I love my Life
I love my Wife
Enjoying the Ride 

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