Monday, April 6, 2015


Influence without authority.

As the world becomes more interconnected, relationships in organizations become more complex. No matter what organizational structure is in place, you must be able to work with others across reporting lines. And you need be able to communicate and collaborate with diverse stakeholders such as vendors, dispatch, agents and even competitors. Understanding how to influence without authority is a key competency.
You can no longer say “Do it because I told you so.” Your ability to influence is dependent on your credibility and character.

Collaborate across boundaries.

One person cannot have all the answers, nor can one group. The complexities of the organizations and the challenges you face demand that work be organize around the right people, regardless of what department they reside. Silos didn’t work well before. They are impossible in this Age.

Use technology to stay connected.

Technology has created many challenges. It also holds the answers.
Nothing will ever replace the value of face-to-face time, but the reality is that most teams need to be able to work together over great physical distances.

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