Friday, September 28, 2018


Truth is the strongest weapon.
If someone is yelling the loudest they may be trying to bend your opinions and if the truth does not work then they may resort to bend the truth or worse make up their own version of the truth.
Here’s the thing though truth finds a way to show its head, it may take longer then you like but it will come out.
The easiest way to live your life is to simply speak the truth and if that means having to give up power or a job or a title so be ie- in the end your shoulders will be lighter and it will help you lead a more fulfilled life. What you think is important at the time it retrospect may not be important at all, in fact it may be holding you back.
Fear is what normally causes lies - fear of job security, fear of power, fear of retribution but truth breeds growth, true relationships and true reward.
We all have choices- be strong- choose the right path - lighten your load.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Does Character  count ?
Does what you do - speak more of what you believe then what you say ?
We all have done and said stupid things - own them - learn from them.
I do absolutely believe in redemption and forgiveness but first you must admit to failings and for goodness sake not lie- it is ok- we are all human.
I do think character counts and if you are not truly trying to be a good person and have others best interest at heart how on God’s green earth can I truly trust you.
To be a good leader people need to know that they can trust you and that your word is your bond.
Your character is who YOU are and it will follow you wherever you go.
The beautiful thing in life is we can evolve, we can change, we can learn and more important we must evolve.
Muhammad Ali said that if you are the same person at 50 as you were at 20 you have wasted 30 years of your life.
Character Counts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

At All Cost

Get what you want - At All Cost -
At the end of the day or more important at the end of your journey you have to ask yourself- was it worth it ?
To get or keep that job or position what did you give up ?
Your time ? Time with who is really important to you ?
Did you sacrifice your ideals or morals ?
Do you just get along to go along ?
If your end goal is to keep climbing that ladder -at all cost - are you pretty much saying that money is your God or compass ?
Is there collateral damage to you - at all cost - attitude? Is that collateral damage other people?
We can all get caught up in the day to day and our quest to obtain more but take the time to SEE who you are following and what YOU may be giving up.
In the end “ they” will disappear and leave you behind because- at all cost- is THEIR motto- do not buy in , do not blindly follow.
You will survive and you will be better off for it, you will be tested - if you are doing for the right reasons and you are not hurting others then speak up - make a difference- Always speak truth to Power and build your alliances through honest, hard work.
At All Cost is NOT your path

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


'Cause the only real pain a heart can ever know
Is the sorrow of regret
When you don't let your feelings show
Busy people walking by
Can't help but worry some
With so many things to do
So little love gets done
Empty hearts everywhere
Drowning but dying of thirst
If we want love
It's not that tough
Start by giving it first
It's easy to give
Baby can't you see?
Just close your eyes open your heart
And do what comes naturally
So did you say it?
Did you mean it?
Did you lay it on the line?
Did you make it count?
Did you look 'em in the eye?
And did they feel it?
Did you say it in time?
Did you say it out loud?
'Cause if you did hun
Then you lived some
And that feeling inside?
That's called satisfied

Lyrics and song by Jewel 

Monday, September 24, 2018


Many people are simply scared to actually speak their mind.
The more the 1% grow in numbers and Power the more the middle class or the “ worker” is suppressed, that is if there is actually a middle class anymore. If people actually speak their mind they face being fired or let go or put on an island- I know I have witnessed it and lived it.
Scared is not a good way to live, you will never reach your true potential if you do not stay true to your values and to your truth.
Here is the dilemma, how and when do you speak out ?
You need to be sure that your voice is heard but if you approach it wrong you will personally suffer so you need to be smart. First of all do not play their games- always stay true to your morals and speak softly , do your job and stay away from those that spew their negativity.
Their day will come because in the end I always believe in Karma and what ever you put out will come back to you. Do not lash out , watch your tone and your facial expressions - keep your poker face - and do not lose the validity of your argument by being “the bad guy”.
If you are scared it is probably because of a bully , bullies think they are tough but when they stand alone you find that they are bullies because they are really weak and scared themselves.
Stay strong

Friday, September 21, 2018


Be an Adult !

I think we may have it backwards, we tell our kids to try to act like an adult, I think we should be telling adults to act more like kids.

My two year old grandson is such a joy, he wakes up every day and runs out of his room with a huge smile on his face and cannot wait to start the day, all he wants to do that day is have fun. When he hugs you and gives a little pat on your back there is nothing better, he has no hidden agenda , all he has is unconditional love.

The adult world on the other hand is fraught with hidden agendas and people yelling and choosing sides. I was on a conference call yesterday with five “ adults” and we were to discuss some issues and one adult male joined the call with an already obvious attitude, he did not want to participate or he thought why am I even on this call with who he presumed to be knuckheads. The call lasted all of three minutes before he started barking out his demands, the top guy on the call got his back up and yelled back then hung up... conference call over... nothing accomplished but feelings that will spill over that will just continue to build walls.

Hmmmm.. should I ask the child to be more adult like or the adult to be more child like ?

Relax people, channel your inner child !

Try to approach each day with a reckless abandon to just learn and love and enjoy the day.
Unfortunately most adults wait till the end of there life to understand that each day is a gift and that big problem you thought you had was really nothing at all... don’t wait.

Embrace the day and be a kid !

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Good People

Good People tend to gravitate to each other.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting some new people that I do business with but have never met face to face , we had a business meeting in the afternoon and dinner in the evening.
In business and in life when we allow ourselves to actually talk to each other and get to know each other it can be very productive and rewarding.
Listening to the owner of this company was refreshing, he spoke about taking care of his employees and his customers and when he looked you in the eye during his conversation you could feel not only his sincerity but you could also feel his honesty. This gentleman was married with two children and at one point during the dinner we exchanged stories about our kids and once again you can feel the connection, his family was very important to him and so was remaining humble.
I do believe that good people do tend to gravitate to each other.
Along with the owner another young man was representing his organization, he was about 27 and very personable. I can say that it was because of this young man that I set up this in person meeting, they flew to RI from CO and MO. My dealing with this young man was very positive and during our busy season he stood out as a person who truly cared about what he was doing and spoke very honestly.
I recommend that they stay at a bed and breakfast that a friend of mine owns down by the ocean so they could get a true feel for a Rhode Island , I knew my friend would take of them because he too is just a down to earth good guy and sure enough they started as strangers and ended their stay as friends.
Good people gravitate to each other.
Embrace the good , stay positive !

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Truth is the one most important part of life to always strive to seek and to put forth.

Sounds easy right ?

It certainly gets more complicated as we enter “ adulthood “

People have a way of denying the truth or creating their own version of the truth and it can be for many reasons , in business it normally has to do with self survival. At the end of the day people are worried about their job, their status and security so if they have to lend a blind eye or bend the truth they can justify it.
Problem is once you start coloring the truth it gets awfully difficult to recognize the truth. When they say the truth will set you free, it is spot on but raising your hand to the truth can also be a challenge.

Do you speak out, even if you know your direct or boss will be involved ? How far will it get you ?
Will it eventually cost you your job ? Their is our biggest inner struggle, it always sounds easy to speak truth to power until it directly involves you and your security. How to speak out and when and where becomes very important. Just yelling into the wind will not help you or your message, standing up to your boss will not help if they automatically go into defense mode.

So what to do ?

What I do know is if you just go along to get along you become part of the problem.
All you can do is try to not become angry or vindictive because that will eat you up inside and defeat your cause and people around you will eventually just tune you out.
You need to continue to seek the truth and listen to all sides and try to lower the shoulders of the people around you, especially your superiors- again easier said then done but absolutely necessary to try to break down the walls.
Do not make it personal.

Remember what is obvious to you may not be obvious to them and approach with caution because it is human nature for them to always begin by being defensive.

Truth must be your compass and goal in your life -
When your truth starts creating hate or revenge it is the wrong path.
Seek truth through kindness and love.

Monday, September 17, 2018


Sunday has always been family day in my family.

35 years ago they changed what they called the Blue Laws in RI - All businesses use to always be closed on Sunday - yup- for all you young people Sunday was always the day of rest and one that families would gather to break bread and spend time with each other. I managed a retail store at the time and I never thought that RI would break the blue laws and allow businesses to open but they did and of course now every business is now open pretty much every day of the year, so much for family time.
I was dead set against it so I started looking for another job, one that did not force me to work on Sunday and I was lucky enough to be hired by Honeywell , where I dispatched servicemen.

We have had Sunday gatherings ever since , fast forward 38 years - yesterday my family is over for Sunday dinner and my wife is outside running around with our 2 year old grandson and I do not know who had the bigger smile on their face my wife or my grandson.
 While running around my grandson , Luca, proclaims out of nowhere- Luca Happy - Mamma happy, momma happy - Dada happy- Papa Happy !

Moments people - Life is made up of moments!

Friday, September 14, 2018


The Title does NOT make the man ( or woman )
If you are working hard to move up the so called ladder always remember that that ultimately people will follow you for who YOU are not because you have a title.
My business career has showed me time and time again that for people somehow forget where they came from once they reach a certain level or gain a title.
You can wave your finger and threaten but you will never succeed, people will nod their heads in front of you and yes sir you all day long but they will never follow up and the real shame is YOU are missing out- but always being the only voice in the meeting you will never learn.
I respect the “person” not the title- titles mean nothing to me and I will make up my own mind on who to trust and listen to and trust my gut on who to follow.
The best title to hold is - friend -

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Words to live by

Below is an excerpt from an article that celebrated the live of a man who was President of a college-
“He led by love,” said students Nicola Alexander and Dani Alva. “He listened and learned and he practiced what he preached. He was one of a kind.”
Those are words we all live by and inspire to.
As we run around and work work work and scratch and claw to make more money and pay the bills and get that promotion we should try our very best to remember we are all just visiting and in the end what will you leave behind? How will YOU be remembered?
He led by love - he listened and learned and practiced what he preached-
I pray that when my day comes those words are said about me.
I have written about goals and how you should have goals for each day as well as 5 year goals- this should be your life’s goal.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Bad Guy

It is the plot in every drama, action book or movie and love story- you need a bad guy.
It is the best way to grab an audience- invent a boogie man or villain.
Unfortunately it is also how the real world and business and politics work - follow me not him because they are bad- I am good.
I never followed that path, even back as a very young boy and people tried to grab me to be part of some click but to do we had to shame someone that “ they” dictated as being bad so “ they” made fun of him or her - I hated then and I hate it now.
Don’t TELL me who not to talk to or to work with just because YOU may have I’ll feelings toward them, how in the world do I know if you are right or if you are being spiteful- why should I judge anyone else never mind allow YOU to be my judge.
If the guy is yelling the loudest at the front of line and is mostly using the argument that he or she are the devil there is probably a reason why and most times it has to do more with the person who is doing the yelling.
I will always give everybody the benefit of the dought and I will make up my own mind thank you.
If you need to invent a bad guy to convince me that you are the good guy then I am already suspect-
Worry about you and your house - sell me on you and your ideals - better yet - SHOW ME -

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


 Who is your hero ?

Most real life heroes get up every day and go to work and none of us know their names.
Real heroes are firemen, policemen , single parents trying to raise children with special needs, teachers working in inner cities, the dad whose back and knees are killing him but he goes to work because he has responsibilities- look around , heroes are all around us.

We look up to certain actors or sport figures but our real heroes do not have someone put on their make up or have personal trainers - we all want to be entertained but do not mistake real heroism.

All these heroic people have different political views and may not always agree with each other but they are just like you, we all want to feel like we are doing something positive, we get up each day and try our best and work through our negatives and the challenges that may be in front us.

America is a make up of many different people , religions, color and over all views but together we are America and that Republican that you may not agree with may be the run that runs into a burning building to save your life or the life of a loved one, that Democrat that you do not like may be the teacher that reaches out to your child and connects and through that maybe gives them purpose.

We are the sum of our parts and heroes are all around you and come in all kind of shapes and color and gender and political views.

Be Kind

Monday, September 10, 2018

The best YOU can do

Do not worry about the other guy ...
Just concentrate on doing the best that YOU can do.
Do not worry about how much money the other “says” he is making.
Just put your head down and try to do better and be better.
Do not work to buy more stuff and a bigger house.
Work to make a difference in someone’s life.
Do not bitch and complain
Smile and be thankful

Friday, September 7, 2018

Two Sides

There is always Two Sides
I may see something one way and you may see it completely different
One reason may be that either you or I may have information that the other does not even know.
There could of been something that was done or said that created the bias or opinions.
The problem now arises is if we do not know or want to learn the other side we will never know what we don’t know therefore we stifle our ability to learn.
I enjoy hearing the other side, I do not enjoy when the other side is shouting their opinions or shouts over or cuts short my side. It is difficult to lower your heart rate at times, especially if you are passionate about a particular subject but if both sides respect each other and hold honest discussions much can be had.
Do not be so superficial or ignorant as to think you are always right and you are the “ be all” of any topic, there have been plenty of times that I walked away from a discussion with a different point of view, if nothing else I may learn more about WHY others may think differently and through that I can respect them for it.
Respect each other and try your best to listen , learn and grow and remember - No one is better then you and you are no better then anybody else.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Entertainment has changed through the years ,
Or at least what we accept as entertainment.

Now I was born in 1957 , the television eas in 1927 and in the 60’s most households had a TV, -
-one TV- and it was most likely black and white with all kind of tubes in the back of it that you could see through the holes in the backboard. We had three channels to pick from and we all pretty much watched the same shows - Andy Griffin, Dick Van Dyke, Ed Sullivan, Jackie Gleason and The Honeymooners , Bonanza - all light entertainment that mostly had a positive, fun theme to it.

We watched as entertainment and access changed through the years.

One other thing that changed was News- somewhere along the line is the News became entertainment and we allowed it to happen because it is all about money and ratings and people like controversy and drama and it took over. We now have people on the news pushing drama not facts , we have people that are not journalists presenting stories and sharing their opinions.

We now have hundreds of shows and many ways to watch them and we have chosen themes of violence, murder, “ reality” shows where people just yell at each other and if that is not entertainment for you there is video games with violence and murder.

It has been very odd to watch this all evolve and through it all we dictated it, we chose what we think is entertainment and then we question as to what has happen to our kids and where our priorities are.

What do you think is entertainment?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Why do we care what others think ?
We seek Affirmation-
We want to affirm that we count, that we are respected and most of all that we matter -
So we seek affirmation and by doing so sometimes we do not speak our minds or we do not want to “ rock the boat” so we go along to get along.
The crazy thing is the only person that really matters as to what we think or do is ourselves- so follow your gut, follow your heart and lead. That is easier said then done because we are conditioned from childhood to want to please others, we live for that praise from our parents, then our teachers and bosses. Wanting to be respected and praised is a good thing but we cannot forget that we can stand alone and we can disagree at times.
It is healthy to debate and necessary to listen to ALL sides but in the end you know what is right and what you believe and must be able to speak your mind and your opinion.
Do not look for affirmation outside of your own - stand up and always remember what -and who- is important in your life.
Always be kind- you can agree to disagree at times but do not hold hate in or it will take over.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A Working Class Hero

  1. 2 of 4
    As soon as you're born they make you feel small
    By giving you no time instead of it all
    Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
    A working class hero is something to be
    A working class hero is something to be
    They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
    They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
    Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules
    A working class hero is something to be
    A working class hero is something to be
    When they've tortured and scared you for twenty-odd years
    Then they expect you to pick a career
    When you can't really function you're so full of fear
    A working class hero is something to be
    A working class hero is something to be
    Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
    And you think you're so clever and classless and free
    But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
    A working class hero is something to be
    A working class hero is something to be
    There's room at the top they're telling you still
    But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
    If you want to be like the folks on the hill
    A working class hero is something to be
    A working class hero is something to be
    If you want to be a hero well just follow me
    If you want to be a hero well just follow me

    John Lennon 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Happy Labor Day

Work is about more than a paycheck -
 Our labor provides meaning to our lives. 
And people thrive when they feel they are contributing something to the world through their toils.
Work Hard -Play Hard - always put Family First !

Happy Labor Day!