Saturday, April 4, 2015

Leading and managing

Paint a very clear picture of where the organization is going.

Whether you are the leader of the entire organization or the leader of a team or a driver, it’s no longer possible to be physically present to manage what happens every moment. If you try to control all the details, you will drown. The ticket out is to ensure everyone is aligned around a shared vision. Then they can use their own brains to figure out the best way to work together to achieve it. The role of leadership shifts to a focus on communicating and modeling the vision.

Provide leadership no matter what your level or role is.

No matter what your official organizational title – supervisor, manager, administrator, crew chief , driver – if you’re not leading, you’re standing still or going in circles. You must be able to think both strategically and tactically. Leadership must be emergent – allowed and supported to emerge as needed. This is reminiscent of an essential leadership skill of the Stone Age, where the one who saw an opportunity or danger, or the one with the greatest skill in relation to a particular need or opportunity, was the one who responded and organized others to respond.

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