Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Below if from a very good friend and neighbor and her morning...

This morning has given me pause for what really matters in life- LIFE.
I was getting on the approach ramp to 95N this morning and the cross over vehicle in front of me on the ramp hit the corner of the guard rail and flipped in the air several times, hit the guard rail again and then spun around and landed only feet in front of me.  It was like watching a movie in slow motion.  I couldn't move over, couldn't back up but only pray that I would not get hit.  When the car stopped I pulled up around it and parked my car on the highway to run to help whoever was in this vehicle.  It didn't matter who it was only that someone's life was at risk.   It was a young girl, alone, trapped in the car. I quickly yelled to a passerby to call 911 while through the windshield glass I tried my best to keep this poor young girl calm not knowing what injuries she might have.  A young woman who had been behind me also pulled over for support.  A young fireman off duty happened to come up on the scene and also called for help. The young fireman was able to get the back hatch open and the young woman was able to get out.  I was able to get the woman around the vehicle where we waited for what seemed like an eternity for the police to arrive and then the rescue.  Her injuries were not severe by a miracle of God.  For me this incident was a blessing.
 A reminder of what truly matters.  It's not what you have or don't have, but Life itself.
Hug someone today, Do something nice for someone.

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