Thursday, January 11, 2018

Feeling used ?

Feeling Used ?
It is because you are ...

A lot of people feel like they are being used in their job and “ the man” just cares about himself...
Yup- you are correct, that is how it works. I hate to tell you but you were not hired just for your looks.
The question is not “ are you being used” the question is are you doing what YOU want to do.

When a driver was looking to make a jump from OR to my company I would always ask -
With your current employer “ Are you respected? “ “ Are they honest with you ?“ and “ do you get paid promptly and correctly?”.- if the answer is yes for all three then you should think before jumping.
As long as you can check off those boxes the only other question is are you doing what you want to do.

Everyone needs to make money, including your employer so ,yes, they are using you- to make them money !
 If you make them a lot of money they move you up the ladder and they love you, if you lose them money you slide down that same ladder till they need to make the decision on rather or not you are worth keeping. 
That is reality.

In the end personalities do not matter, I have had owners tell me that they totally dis like a person working for them and higher up employees..VP’s.. but they keep them because they make them money. They told me that the day they do not make them money they will cut them loose in New York minute.
That is business.

I know others may offer you more money or bonuses etc but remember they to want to “use” you too,
 if you are good at what you do it will all come out in the wash. Go back to the big three questions- respect, honesty and paid promptly and correct.
I always approached it like I knew I was good at what I do and through that I knew my employer made money from me, -that was what I wanted.
 I wanted to make him lots of money because I knew he would then take care of me, it was in his benefit to do so.

Do not concentrate so much on what “ they” are making and spend more time on improving what “you” do. 

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