Monday, July 14, 2014

Humans should be more like dogs

Dogs are direct and genuine. When they’re happy, they wag their tails. When they’re appreciative, they lick your face. When they feel bad, they drop their tails. If they want to play, they’ll get a toy and drop it at your feet. If they feel threatened, they growl. Their communication is direct and genuine. There’s no drama, hidden agenda or passive-aggressive behavior, as with humans.

Dogs don’t sweat the small stuff. They have short memories. If they’re chastened for doing something bad, as soon as you forgive, they forget. It’s the same thing if you mistreat them. Say you’re sorry, scratch them behind the ear, give them a treat and it’s like it never happened. They’re great at letting go and never neurotic about things they can’t control.

Dogs know the secret to personal productivity. They get tons of rest, yet they’re highly productive. If you need them, they’re there – bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. That’s because they’re incredibly focused and disciplined. Dogs know their priorities and they stick to them. They keep it simple. And they’re happy, as a result.

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