Monday, July 28, 2014

How to make a difference

How can you make a difference?

You see wrong being done, people not doing their job or treating others with dis respect  and it bothers you and you want to do something, what can you do?

What is obvious to you may not be obvious to others.
Along with that how you approach the problems is very important and what you say to who also is very important.
It is most difficult to communicate when you are angry so first off be sure that your heart rate is down, you may want to wait a day or two before you speak out. 
Be aware to try to not make it personnel , approach it in a positive.

I think it is healthy to speak your piece and to try to right a wrong. And in trying to help make change for the better.
That said you should not speak out with the total want to hurt or obtain revenge.
Always be honest but do not intentionally want to hurt others.
Think before you talk.
If you cannot say it in front of the person then you probably shouldn't say it when they are not privy to your conversation. Even you you parce your words it will most likely not get back to that person the way you said it or intended it.

Keeping all that in mind, try to make change in the micro , another words take baby steps. And be sure you concentrate on yourself first. What can you do to better the situation?
And do not allow others to pull you down.
Do YOUR job! 
Worry about what YOU do and what YOU say and how YOU say it.

Be the change.

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