Saturday, November 29, 2014


Pride is a funny becomes infectious, when you take pride in what you do people around start taking pride in what they do and you feel better about yourself and so do they.

Always remember that people are watching and listening, be positive and it will come back to you , that said if you prefer to take part in the negative and the gossip you will take on that persona too.

Which do you prefer?

Take pride in what you have and what you have become and have faith in where you can go.
Embrace the people in your path along the way, listen and always be willing to learn.

Say thank you more often and remember to smile. Even on the phone people can see your smile.

Forgive those that you may not agree with or even that may have hurt you.
It is not worth carrying that weight.

Take pride in what you do and what you have earned it !

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