Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy in Life

Happy in life, happy at work

People who are generally happy find it easier to find happiness at work.

That’s according to an analysis of 223 studies on the connection between job satisfaction and life satisfaction.
Lead author, Nathan Bowling said:
“…if people are, or are predisposed to be, happy and satisfied in life generally, then they will be likely to be happy and satisfied in their work.
However, the flipside of this finding could be that those people who are dissatisfied generally and who seek happiness through their work, may not find job satisfaction.
Nor might they increase their levels of overall happiness by pursuing it.”
This is worth remembering for those people who never seem to be happy with whatever job they are doing.

Sometimes the kind of happiness you are looking for cannot be achieved through work.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...