Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Feedback and Support


When it comes to job satisfaction, no news is bad news.

Getting negative feedback can be painful, but at least it tells you where improvements can be made.
On the other hand, positive feedback can make all the difference to how satisfied people feel.
If you’re not getting feedback, then ask for it.

The right feedback can help satisfy the need for achievement.

Ask for support

Workers often complain that the big bosses communicate little about the overall direction of the company.

People want to know their organization cares about them, that they are getting something back for what they are putting in.

We get this message from how the boss treats us, the kinds of fringe benefits we get and other subtle messages.

If people perceive more organizational support, they are happier with their job.

If this area is lacking, try asking  for more information and support, and point out why it is needed.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

I hear on a daly basis how we need to support our drivers...Most of the comments come from guys who we have lost out in the turn down in HHG's in the last 6 years...There's some who don't beleve,in the system,or have lost faith...News ....Arpin has given you a job...Helped you get into a truck with NOTHING down..Pointed you in the right direction....AND now you want to slam the hand?I have to wonder?Do you have any idea of your value?Right now,it's pretty high..The season is upon us,rates are looking pretty good..Just manage to get through May...I've more to say...Just hang on...It will be bunches better