Friday, August 16, 2013

Steve Jobs

Sent by our Road Warrior- Skip...... ( good stuff )
Ashton Kutcher”He led into that last quote by saying, "The third thing is something that I just relearned when I was making this movie about Steve Jobs."  That last sound bite is Steve Jobs.  By the way, it is great advice.  Don't assume you're not valid because you think people have done more than you. Don't assume you're not valid or qualified because other people are older and more experienced, and don't assume people are smarter than you are, and don't fall prey to the structure that other people have made for you.  Build a life, don't live it.  And it's something he fervently believed, and he did. “.There’s more and it DEEP....Imagine someone who’s as dumb(and rich)as he is learning that from an acting role?The best part is where I got his:


I’m not a fan,but he makes some good points.....

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