Monday, November 21, 2011

Shutting It Down

We have the iPhone, the iPad, iTouch...i i i...we have more technology literally at our fingertips than any other generation...EVER...pretty cool.

Now, we all need to understand how to harness it and use it to our advantage.

When I am at the airport and at a store or just out and about, I notice that people rarely look up from their phones or iPads. They are going to have to make them with some kind of mirrors so you can see what is in front of you as you are looking down so you don't bump into poles or get run over.

We have a "National Smoke Out Day" where we ask people to stop smoking for a day. I think we may need a national shut down day where we ask everyone to shut their phones off.

Take a breath, talk to the person sitting next to you, talk a walk without your headphones and listen to nothing but what is around you.

Everything in moderation, that is what I always told my kids when they were growing up. We ruin it when we overindulge, whether it is alcohol, eating or pretty much anything. Now it's the use of computers, the Internet and technology.

We ALL need to take the time to shut it down.  Pick a day, any day. It may surprise you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said any better myself. Very wise advise, and a good idea.