Friday, March 8, 2019

Know your audience

Know your audience
By an audience I do not just mean an audience like in a theatre .
An audience can be just you and one other person, know your audience, know what makes them tick, what drives them and what may work for them.
You can keep your control and your power while working your audience, it will do you no good to “ make a point” or get into an argument, that is not knowing your audience.
Stay in control, do your homework and keep smiling, no one likes an angry person.
Practice what you are going to say ahead of time and be ready for how they may react , never try to look surprised. If they say something you were not ready for or they say something to try get a reaction just go with it - live to fight another day when you can gather the facts and a proper response.
Do your homework- practice - know your audience.

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