Thursday, August 2, 2018



It can be just that simple... Smile.

You should smile every day and you should try to laugh... life is short don’t waste it be a grumudgen.
It is up to you, you hold the key and can choose how you approach each day, if you are unhappy then get happy. I know that sounds silly, if only it was that easy- it is !

Why are you unhappy? Identify what or who makes you unhappy and make a change- choose to be happy- yup, you can do it and only you can do it.

What or who makes you happy ? Then follow that - smile and take in a deep breath and exhale, uncurl your toes, loosen your shoulders and try to clear your mind - another words be a child.
Stop blaming others and allowing them to lead you around and take away your smile - you allow them to do it- you giveaway your power to them- do not do it- first you need to be conscience of it so look around and pay attention.

Who is constantly bringing you down ?

Make the most important choice in you entire life- choose happiness and take back the Power.


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