Sunday, June 3, 2018


Looking at some older pictures of Rhode Island today from the early 1900’s and comparing the same locations to photos of today I noticed a lot of difference - horse and buggies replaced by cars but also I noticed -People.

Back then the sidewalks were busy with people walking or standing around talking, today we have so much less interaction with each other and with modern transportation and cell phones and social media we hardly ever just walk and talk and meet the people around us.
Just watch the few people that are walking , they have their head down looking at their phone or watch people at an airport- I guarantee you 90% of them have their face on their phone or computer.
No one looks up.

I think overall it is unhealthy and I have said all along that you cannot stop technology and technology in itself is not a bad thing - it is how we use it and when we use it that is important.
It s the big challenge of this “social media “ generation that they understand the importance of shutting down and looking up and enjoying pure nature or even going for a casual walk - without your phone- imagine that?

Sometimes I think it was better back then when we had to keep our windows open at home because no one had AC and you hung out outside on your steps or your picnic table to cool off , you talked to your neighbors and if you were a kid you played outside.

My hope is that someday we know how to marry the two - technology and the simple life.
Look up - shut down - notice the People around you .

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