Friday, January 18, 2013



All you need to do is look around you to see where lies and cheating will get you.

Lance Armstrong, Roger Clemons, Sosa, McGuire, Tiger and the list goes on and on.

They all might of experienced glory and fame and made millions of dollars but where are they now?
What type of legacy will they leave?
Where can they go and not be confronted?
What now of all those feats of accomplishments?
How do they feel in their own skin?
Was it worth it?

In the long run you will get caught ! Because it is just straight up WRONG.

Lies and cheating is not how you get ahead or how you get promoted. I have seen it hundreds of times in my own world and in places that I have worked.
People come in and rise quickly but they have a false foundation. And in EVERY case they fall.
The crazy part is most never understand why and normally end up repeating their philosophy of life elsewhere only to fail again only bigger and harder.
It effects their family life as well as their business world.

We all make mistakes, hopefully early on in life so that we can learn from them and not repeat them.
There is only one way to rise to the top and that is through hard work and by being honest with those around you. It may take you a little longer than the guy where lies and cheats but your rise will last and grow and be a foundation to be proud of.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive".
Sir Walter Scott

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

LIE'S will get you through on the short term....IF,You want to be doing this in the future,the best way is the truth....