Saturday, December 17, 2011

Work ethic

What kind of work do you do? Whatever it is, much depends on your willingness to work your buns off when it counts.

It‘s amazing what you can get done when you push yourself to your limits. And that‘s exactly what you sometimes need to do. But will you? Sometimes success depends on your willingness to move faster, devote more personal energy and work longer hours.

Yet, when challenges slow your progress, it‘s hard to remember that something good might come from all your hard work. You might wonder whether the results you hope for are worth the physical aches and pains or the mental fatigue that you‘re enduring along the way. It‘s natural to wish you were able to do something that didn‘t drain so much of your personal energy.

At times like this, remind yourself that while hard work might exhaust you, in the long run it‘s how you get what you want.

Almost always, a worthwhile goal requires tremendous effort and commitment. If your goal means that much to you, and if you‘re willing to do the tough stuff and not give up, you have an excellent chance of achieving it.

 The key is to have a goal you really care about so you give it your best effort even when you're tired.

Remember, you already have within you everything you need to give the required effort. You can concentrate on the challenge before you, no matter how difficult, and give it your best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it,I like it. Good stuff,Dave! Reminds me of a song I heard growing up,'Work your fingers to the bone.....what do get........BONEY FINGERS!!!!!'LOL

the restless warrior