Wednesday, June 3, 2020


I cannot believe what I witnessed live and right in front of me on TV the other night.
I was watching a live broadcast of a peaceful protest in front of the White House and within minutes it took an ugly turn, the military and police started to push the crowd back with tear gas and rubber bullets , people went from standing and chanting holding up posters to running and screaming .
And why -
Because the incumbent President wanted to walk out in that street to have a photo op holding up a bible in front of a church.
It sounds so unreal to even write never mind to witness live. It something I have seen happen in other countries, countries ran by dictators.
This country is built around democracy and our constitution and our idealism of Freedom and Freedom and opportunity for every American! In order to sustain these ideas we must be able to speak out and protest when we see wrong being done. 
Just stop for one minute and think about it- do not spin or talk about what someone else did or might have done and just look at this one sliver of time - peaceful American citizens protesting their rights were gassed and shot at by OUR military and police ! I never thought I would witness it in my lifetime, I saw video of this back in the 50’s and 60’s in the civil right movement but I had naively thought that was all behind us- it is not.

But in this case it was our President that directed this attack - an attack on American citizens!
Never - Never in our history has a President taking such action and for what ? A photo Op -

I do not have to agree with everyone and we all have our views but we all have the right to express our views and live the life we want.

Freedom for All and Freedom of Speech 

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