Friday, September 6, 2019

My Dog

One of favorite writers and also a renowned trial lawyer Gerry Spence said that he has learned more from his dog then any book, if his dog wants love he simply ask for it and he returns with unconditional love.
My dog, Lola, shows me the same every day.
Lola is close to 14 which is close to 98 in human years, her back legs are starting to fail her and her hearing is not what it was but she still gets up every day and gives it her best and enjoys every day.
She will lay in the backyard on a nice day and raise her head and simply smell the air and love the moment.
I wish people could be more like Lola and their pets, Lola still gets so excited to meet new people, she gets all excited and just wants to say hi and hopefully get a pat on the head and a returned excitement.
You can tell a lot about a person on how a person greets a dog , it shows you how grounded that person is and what they prioritize. It only takes 15 seconds to return that excitement and reward it with a pat and by doing so it actually makes you feel better and keeps you grounded and in the moment.
All though Lola’s legs are betraying her she does not complain,  she will try to do what she thinks she can still do and if she fails she simply finds a work around or moves on, sometimes you just have to listen to your body.
Stop - Slow Down and just take a walk outside if you can and simply raise your head and smell the air and enjoy the moment.

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