Friday, February 22, 2019

It does not get easy

It does not get easy ...
Life is not easy and it does not get easy, is it not about easy it is all about the journey and learning.
Exercising, business, relationships - the older you get or the more you do something the illusion is that it will become easy... not.
I have been exercising and lifting weights since I was a teenager and I am near 62 now and I try to exercise every day and every day I need to drag my backside out of bed and to the gym, it does not get easy but once I am done for the day I do feel better.
In the work place it seems as if they names and people and even responsibilities may change but the characters remain the same, you have those that will honestly work with you and hold honest conversations and others that will simply have their own agenda and pull in the other direction... it does not get easier.
As a leader or boss you try to hire and train a team of people around you that work hard and have each other’s backs, at least you should, but you will always have obstacles and it just does not get easy.
This is not to be pessimistic, it is just my life lessons. I have come to understand that people and circumstances will just not always fall in line or be the way I want just because I think it is right.
So you need to understand all of this and work each day to do the best you can and to not get down on yourself or others, remember it is about the journey and about learning.
It does not get easy but I thank God for every day and the opportunities and the people around me, I am learning every day.

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