Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Only love can conquer hate.
If everyone is yelling no one is listening, you believe what you want and I will believe what I want.
We can have different opinions and still coexist, in this great experiment of America we wanted diversity and welcomed all religions and color and we put a great big stamp on it at the very beginning of this experiment with the first and second amendment.
We ALL want the same thing, to enjoy our time here however and with whomever we choose and in order to provide and have a roof over our head and food on our table we All need to work, after work we want to go home or out for a bit..we are not that different.
We get angry when we try to impose our views on others and they don't want to hear it.
Walls and Anger are not the way to get what we want and remember all we all want is to enjoy what time we have here on the green earth, and our time is limited.
Did we make a mistake with this great experiment over 200 years ago ? Can the people learn to coexist and get along ?
People are not born hating...just watch some kids playing.

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