Thursday, August 3, 2017


Google is a wonderful thing, want to find something or learn how to do something or answer a question...Google!
Remember with good can also come bad..everything you google or post or buy on line is out there for all to see. Think twice before you post.
It had been over three decades since I looked for a different job and back then there were no home computers , yea I am that old, and now I found employers all searched me on the internet before we even spoke. Thank goodness my social Post are all positive, they can view your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, if you blog that is all out there..stay positive people.
As I always say social media not where you want to air your dirty laundry, want to bitch or complain about someone or something? Save it for that private conversation with your friend and even at that be sure they are truly your friend or else that too will come back to bite you.
Watch yourself, use self restraint and stay positive..especially on line lives.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

"back to bite you"More like back to byte you...