Wednesday, March 12, 2014

More Ways to Make it Easy for People to Work with You

6. Don’t hide behind electronic communication – Email and Instant Message have their place in organizations, but they don’t replace more personal means of communication like speaking on the phone or face to face. I’ve seen it time and time again – minor problems escalate into major blowouts because people refuse to get out from behind their desks, walk to their colleague’s office, and discuss a situation face to face. It’s much easier to hide behind the computer and fire off nasty-grams than it is to talk to someone about a problem. Just step away from the computer, please!

7. Consistently follow the process – Process…for some people that’s a dirty word and anathema for how they work. However, processes exist for a reason. Usually they are in place to ensure consistency, quality, efficiency, and productivity. When you follow the process, you show your colleagues you respect the norms and boundaries for how you’ve agreed to work together. If you visited a friend’s home and were asked to remove your shoes at the door, you would do so out of respect, right? You wouldn’t make excuses about it being inconvenient or it not being the way you do things in your house. Why should it be different at work? If you need to fill out a form, then fill it out. If you need to use a certain software system to get your information, then use it. Quit making excuses and do work the way it was designed to be done. Besides, if you consistently follow the process, you’ll experience much more grace from your colleagues for those times you legitimately need to deviate from it.

No one likes to think of him/herself as being difficult to work with, yet from time to time we all make life difficult for our colleagues. Focus on what you can do to be easy to do business with and you’ll find that over time others become easier to work with as well.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

"6. Don’t hide behind electronic communication"....Here's a HINT!If I call your place and hear...Press one for ENGLISH(?)(not putting anyone down,except those who have those DAM things I have to select something)...Most of the time I HANG UP...CONTINUE calling someone else....DANG IT,I want a human to answer,and ask me what I NEED!Face it,those phone programs that take a half hour of punching 5 if my butt itches,PISS ME OFF!AND,I'll not do any business with anyone who has one....I'm Skip,and that's just my opinion....