Sunday, January 1, 2012

Some goals for 2012

- LOSE 10 LBS- the same 10 lbs that I have tried to lose for the past 10 years.

- RELAX AND LET GO- " If you can't fix it with conversation,apology, OR action, let it go". It doesn't mean much in the long run and essential energy is just wasted feeling bad.

- RE ACCESS MY DEFINITION OF QUALITY TIME- Quality doesn't have to mean spending money on an activity or trip. Snippets of time together matter, depending on your appreciation of them.


- REMEMBER THE BASICS- Continue to build relationships and try to help train and teach the basics of what got us here. -Respect others- be honest- always follow through and do my best- don't assume-

- CONTINUE TO SHAPE OUR COMPUTER PROGRAMS-  2012 is a big year to transition operations and our entire process with better faster computer programs that will enhance what we all do.


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