Saturday, October 12, 2019

Keep your head down

The “ Keep your head down “ mentality in the work place.

Do you work for a company that may be in turmoil or that has a “ throw em under the bus” philosophy when things go wrong ?

Does leadership come in and shut their doors to their office and by doing so shut out the voices of their employees?

In order to try to make profit is your place of business always looking to shave their work force?

If you answered yes to one or all of the above then you most likely have developed the just “ Keep your head down” mentality.

By laying low and staying quiet you get to keep your job, that is until the bean counter announces he needs another head and once again you hope it is not you.

Because companies develop and foster this new culture -employees do not grow and participate in creating a better work place , a more profitable workplace , a workplace where people enjoy going to work, their business suffers therefore it becomes a vicious circle, less profit and less efficiencies means they must have to cut more people and when that is the atmosphere people keep their head down and keep quiet.
Crazy huh ?

For people and businesses to thrive they need to continually change and learn and adapt and in order to do so you need to listen and reward those that speak up and want to change or advance the process or identify the inconsistencies in order to fix them.

 When you come in shut your door and shut all that is good about a workplace, you shut out teamwork and the feeling that every voice matters and is essential and you become the loser.
Again it develops another vicious circle, the leader who comes in and shuts out their people will always fail and they do not want to lose their job so they yell and demand without ever really knowing or appreciated what their employees do or listen to them on what may need improvement.
Everyone loses !

Here’s an idea- keep your door open or better yet take the dam door off it’s hinges!
Sit in the bullpen a few times a week- LISTEN !

Foster a real TEAM !

Stop being defensive and angry and open your eyes , you will not only feel better about yourself you may actually start to create real change then attitudes will change and people may even enjoy going to work and that is when the real magic will happen and you will do things that you never thought possible.

Develop a “ Keep your head Up” mentality!!

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