Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Toxic environments

Culture is more important than vision. Some leaders have great vision, but have created a toxic culture where that vision will never happen.
Signs you work in a toxic environment:
1) Disrespect and belittlement 
2) Unreasonable pressure to get short term results at expense of the long term strategy
3) Inequity, unfairness, favoritism, injustice
4) Any kind of harassment and bullying 
5) Lack of empathy, of appreciation, of support
6) Excessive control known as micromanagement
7) Morally questionable environments, lack of integrity, encouragement of dishonesty
In an environment like this, no matter how great a vision and strategy are - they will never be executed on

Great leaders fix toxic cultures. 
They empower, involve, listen, appreciate, challenge,support, mentor. They value hard work and
job well done, honesty, integrity, commitment and dedication.

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