Thursday, January 10, 2019

What’s your price ?

What’s your price?
How much is your happiness or freedom worth ?
Here is the big challenge as we climb the work ladder- as we climb the ladder and work hard to get paid more money we may start to make a comfortable living but your personal decisions also get harder. Once you make a certain amount of money it is hard to go backwards , it is our nature to always live a bit above our means ( some live a lot above their moves ) - the result
 is we start enslaving ourselves to the master - your company or place of business.
James Taylor has a line in one of his songs , Millworker, that says -
it's my life has been wasted
And I have been the fool
To let this manufacturer
Use my body for a tool

It is rewarding to work hard and it is right to get paid properly for our hard work but remember why we work - we work so we can live- we should not live so we can work.
Do not get trapped in a job that sucks the life out of you or that you have to drag yourself in every day or worse work for people that disrespect you and do not appreciate you .

What is your a Price ? What is the price of your freedom? 

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