Monday, July 17, 2017


The power your manager holds over you, your employment security and your career path makes your direct boss the most important person in your working life for as long as you have your job.
The unequal power relationship between a manager and their subordinate is one of the most dysfunctional features of traditional employment.
It is ridiculous that new supervisors are promoted with little thought, given little to no training and then put in charge of other people, but it happens every day.
It is not  healthy for you to need one person your manager  to approve of your every move!

I hope you have a manager who trusts you and whom you can trust. You deserve to work for a manager who doesn't expect or require you to behave any differently at work than you do anywhere else.

You deserve to work for someone who wants to see the real you at work, not a fake, subservient version of you  but many are not that lucky.

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