Monday, January 9, 2017


 Ok- going to test your ages now.. do you remember this show from 1967 - The Guns- ?

I use to watch it when I was a kid and the main character would talk about how fast with the guns he and son and grandson were- he would say " No brag- just fact " and I always remembered that.
And I think that is a good phrase to remember and live by- it is not right to brag and if you are good you should not have to. Your work should speak for you.

No Brag- Just fact

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My father was a huge western movie and show fan. I remember some of the shows he would watch. I don't recall the show your talking about, but seems like I've heard the saying, no brag just fact...
I remember Walter Brennan from the show ' The Real McCoy's ', only because of my father and I watching the one tv we had back then.

Funny though how the title of The real McCoy goes hand in hand with no brag just fact...

He was a huge Gun Smoke fan too...