Friday, December 18, 2015

What's Ahead?

To avoid accidents and to be a safe driver, either in a passenger car or if you own a class A or a class B , you need to look ahead on the road.
You always need to be aware of your surroundings and what is not only in front of you but what it looks like 2-3 cars ahead of that, as well as each side of you.

The same applies in the workplace, to be successful you must always be aware and looking ahead, anticipating what is ahead and what may happen.

Your job begins as soon as you are handed a assignment.
How you prepare from that point will determine if you succeed or not or if you are able to avoid a accident or any bumps in the road that may occur.

Ask questions- - call all the parties involved, look over the documentations.
 Be sure that you have what is need, do you have all the proper documents and materials needed?

Take the same approach to your job as you do your driving-



Road Warrior said...

As far as being on the road,often times,brake lights 1/2 mile in front of me has always indicated a safety issue,something I needed to look for.Something as simple as an active radar unit,or,an accident around the corner...

Unknown said...

I think most people have the ability to look ahead and avoid problems, they just choose to ignore it buy waiting till it happens.Then at that point try to fix it, not realizing that if they were proactive, there is a very good chance that they could have avoided the delay. And the thing is, this happens every day in your life. Add a bunch of these delays together and it's costly, money, time, unhappy people, etc.
Like you have said before, pay attention, follow your gut, and make a move, don't stand still...
Live in the moment but don't get stuck in it...