It’s easy to get lost in the muck as the day goes on..
Seemingly simple tasks can take you down a rabbit hole if you aren't clear on the order of the day. Really successful people establish a clear picture of what needs their attention.
Each morning, they determine what is critical for them to handle and what can be successfully delegated to others. Make a list of those critical items that you must do now, and find ways to move everything else aside.
Not every event is as it seems.
Sometimes the most frustrating failure can actually be the beginning of the greatest success--but only if you recognize the difference. Really successful people make very few assumptions about events.
They consider each occurrence on its own merit and then determine the many branches of possibility. Each morning, they review the days leading up and game out the various probabilities ahead.
Spend a little time getting out of your patterns to consider what happens if you think a different way.
It is easy to get lost in the MUCK...I get 600 emails a day and try to get to every one,but,I often find myself scrolling thru as to which one matters,,,THEY ALL MATTER!My mistake is ignoring one...Or several...
Think a different way...
Alot of times a driver falls into driving the same route because their loads go primarily to the same place. Your days become long, seems like the same old same old. And you can fall into the muck of things because there is nothing new in your day.
From time to time I have changed my route just to make my next few days different. Give myself something else to see and think about. Sometimes changing my routine will keep me out of the muck of things...
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