Friday, December 12, 2014

Trust,Respect and Dignity

  • A lack of trust means people can’t depend on promises made. Commitments are not kept. Deadlines are missed. Quality suffers. People resort to over-managing activities and tasks to try to keep things on track. Time is wasted. Frustration mounts.
  • A lack of respect means that people are discounted. They are not included in plans, decisions, and actions that affect their livelihoods. People feel invisible, sometimes powerless, a cog in a machine.
  • A lack of dignity means that people’s efforts and accomplishments are not valued. Cruel remarks leave lasting pain.

  • What happens when there is Respect, Trust and Dignity ??..

  • Increased team member engagement. Team members and crew cooperate to contribute. They enjoy coming to work. They feel valued at work. They align their skills, talents, and enthusiasm to move the organization forward.
  • Increased customer service. Customers are consistently WOW’ed. Team members and crew treat customers — internal ones and external ones — as valued partners. Team members proactively solve customer issues. They like their customers.
    • Increased profits. Engaged team members and crew exceed goal expectations while living the team’s values. They proactively solve problems. They WOW customers. That translates into hard dollar benefits. Expenses are proactively reduced. Projects are done under budget and on time.
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